Physical Therapy is Covered By Medicare

Medicare Coverage for Physical Therapy

Medicare & Physical Therapy

Bodywise Physical Therapy & Wellness has been treating Medicare and Medicaid patients for almost 15 years!  Both our Stratham and Epping NH locations are certified to provide physical therapy to Medicare and Medicaid patients.

What is my Medicare Benefit?

Medicare will pay for physical therapy that a doctor considers medically necessary to treat an injury or illness.  This type of therapy is covered no matter how many visits are needed.  As long as Medicare deems that the rehab is medically necessary they will cover therapy.  Your secondary insurance may have other rules that will need to be addressed.  

Bodywise Helps You Work With Medicare

We will look-up your benefits and complete the Medicare approval for you.  You will be informed of your coverage and your Doctor of Physical Therapy will help you achieve your goals within your Medicare Coverage.  Call us and we will check on your benefits for you.