Physical Therapy is Covered By Medicare

Medicare Coverage for Physical Therapy

Medicare & Physical TherapyBodywise Physical Therapy & Wellness has been treating Medicare and Medicaid patients for almost 15 years!  Both our Stratham and Epping NH locations are certified to provide physical therapy to Medicare and Medicaid patients. What is my Medicare Benefit? Medicare will pay for physical therapy that a doctor considers medically necessary to treat an injury or illness.  …

What it can feel like to have neuropathy

Treatment for Neuropathy

Neuropathy TreatmentBodywise Physical Therapy & Wellness has a treatment for peripheral neuropathy without drugs, injections, and or surgery! What is Neuropathy? Do you suffer from numbness, pain when you walk, tingling, electric-like pain, and difficulty sleeping due to leg discomfort?  All of these can be symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Long terms symptoms cause can be unsteadiness on feet, trouble with stairs, …