Laser Therapy for Pain & InflammationClass IV Laser therapy at Bodywise Physical Therapy can achieve unparalleled therapeutic effects including management of swelling, reduction in pain, faster tissue healing and increased blood flow. What is Class IV Laser Therapy? Bodywise Physical Therapy in Epping and Stratham use a Summus Medical Laser that has been respected in both the medical and veterinarian …
3 Ways to Stop Arthritis Pain
3 Ways to Stop Arthritis PainDid you know that 91 million adults and 300 thousand children have arthritis in the US? We want to give you 3 ways to deal with arthritis and slow it’s progress. 6 Types of Arthritis There are 3 main types of arthritis and a few subcategories. The main types are Osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis, and septic …
Do You Sit More Than You Should?
Do You Sit More Than You Should?Do you spend your work week tied to a desk and chair? Or are you at home and in a comfy chair too long? If so you’re like many Americans who spend more time sitting than standing. What Can Happen? Did you know prolonged sitting can shorten your hamstrings and hip flexors, contribute to …
Look Here for Balance Tips
Balance Problems?Did you know that falls are common in people over the age of 65? In fact, falls 3 million older people are treated each year in emergency departments for fall injuries in the US. What Can Happen? Many falls do not cause injuries. But one out of five falls does cause a serious injury such as a broken bone …
How To Choose The Right Shoe
How to Choose The Right Shoe.Foot pain? Knee pain? It might be your shoes! This is one quick fix all our patients love to hear about. 3 Types of Feet There are 3 basic types of feet. Look at the picture to the left. People either have a high arch, neutral arch, or they are flat footed. Buying the right …
Medicare Coverage for Physical Therapy
Medicare & Physical TherapyBodywise Physical Therapy & Wellness has been treating Medicare and Medicaid patients for almost 15 years! Both our Stratham and Epping NH locations are certified to provide physical therapy to Medicare and Medicaid patients. What is my Medicare Benefit? Medicare will pay for physical therapy that a doctor considers medically necessary to treat an injury or illness. …
Treatment for Neuropathy
Neuropathy TreatmentBodywise Physical Therapy & Wellness has a treatment for peripheral neuropathy without drugs, injections, and or surgery! What is Neuropathy? Do you suffer from numbness, pain when you walk, tingling, electric-like pain, and difficulty sleeping due to leg discomfort? All of these can be symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Long terms symptoms cause can be unsteadiness on feet, trouble with stairs, …
One Quick Exercise for Low Back Stiffness
Low back pain bothers everyone at one point or another (and some of us more than others). If you feel like your back is stiff, or if you have a little pain in your low back, try out the exercise in the post. It’s really simple, effective (especially for those over 65), and can help you manage your back stiffness …
My shoulder hurts! How to stay out of the operating room.
How to improve shoulder pain.Shoulder pain Starts and ENDS with posture. Poor posture and positioning leads to increased risk of damage to the soft tissue of the shoulder such as the ligaments, bursas, and muscles that make movement possible. So what is good posture and bad posture? We describe good posture as having your shoulders down and back with your …
How Sports Can Affect Bone Growth
How Sports Can Affect Bone Growth We have all seen the type of pictures like the one above with a Major League pitcher frozen in time either with tv replay or on a magazine. We see the talent and we respect the dedication to the sport. We may ask ourselves if they were born with this talent, did it come …